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Sunday, January 17, 2016

New logo for JAM???

Just something I came up with. We could use it to represent J.A.M. For now.

I think it looks like an eye. Maybe an Eye looking out to see that hand up for help. The help our movements around the world need so dearly.

Cool Stuff Coming Soon!

Hi everybody and welcome to Join A Movement aka J.A.M. I just started this a couple nights ago so please bare with me as I continue to set things up and get ready to make a difference.

Here at J.A.M. we strive to connect YOU with your favorite or local causes and movements around the world!

Let's CREATE a movement for the movements!

While I set everything up please feel free to follow and join us at the following places:

Also, if you have a good cause or movement and need promoted we are accepting small donations. Contact me for more info.

Robert Hubbard
Founder J.A.M.
Join A Movement